Product Designer
Full stack design (end-to-end)
1 PM
2 Engineers
2 Enrollment Advisors
4 weeks
UniversityNow was the parent company of two online universities. As part of the student growth team I worked with admissions to design and develop a scheduling system for perspective students to easily speak with an advisor.
The purpose of this project was to design an accessible workflow for prospective students to schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor. I paper prototyped and conducted usability studies to insure the workflow fit a user’s mental model. I iterated on visual design and after more testing, designed and launched the complete workflow.
I lead sticky note and sketching exercises with several of the enrollment advisors to understand their challenges with scheduling.
Low fidelity paper prototypes for communicating with the team
Low fidelity wireframes allowed me to run a user study using
Exploring divergent visual design directions
After more testing to validate the workflow, I designed the entire workflow from start to finish